In 2020, we completed our state-of-the-art headquarters in Freigericht (Frankfurt/Rhein-Main).
Here’s why we built our HQ where we built it, how we designed it for the future of work – and why you should be excited about working there.
The future of work is hybrid
People have been predicting the demise of the office for a long time. But we beg to differ. We believe that today the office is more important than ever.
Despite the rise of remote working, most people still want to be part of a working community which they can personally interact with and share experiences.
The office still matters because it provides a common base for interacting and exchanging ideas. It can function as an engine for innovation – so long as it’s designed to promote communication and collaboration.

Our HQ provides a location for those who prefer a rural environment, a shorter commute and more sociable work experience.”
Alexander Lörch, CEO and Founder, ,
And a home away from home
Happy people are more creative and collaborative – and make better decisions. An office should be a pleasant, comfortable and welcoming place to be, with areas for relaxation as well as work.
That’s why our HQ includes a staff canteen, different coffee points, seating places in our own forest and much, much more.
SMART FACTORY! truly is a home for our colleagues, customers and company.