illustration of circles and ellipses joined by lines floating above a grid


Find links between key entities by themes and other meta data. Continuously integrate new information into a comprehensive and dynamic insights hub.

Build a library of searchable, usable insights based on the relationships between companies, sectors and individuals, and the themes they’re exposed to. Map these insights directly onto your clients’ and prospects’ investment needs and interests.

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See what Affinity can do for you.

Every thematic insight in one place

ThemeGraph is a constantly evolving pool of insights that deepens knowledge around how thematic signals and events impact portfolio entities and clients.

Affinity’s Graph technology collates unstructured data via ThemeScore and ThemeAI to create a library of actionable insights.

By continuously enriching ThemeGraph with proprietary and third-party sources, you can build a semantic data lake that’s ideal for you, powering investment, client advisory and prospecting processes.

Over time, ThemeGraph builds a vast but curated data store that maps fundamental and quantitative information onto event and theme exposures.

It allows businesses to identify business connections and opportunities, the shortest paths to clients, relevant investment opportunities, risks: a consistent knowledge graph with clean, high value, high quality entity information that connects an array of data sources for incisive answers.

hand touching a digital screen containing dots

Now investors, portfolio managers, advisors, relationship managers and sales professionals can access the key market themes and events they care about in a usable format.

ThemeGraph uncovers relevant data on 20m+ public, private, large and small companies and 30m+ related individuals—it’s now easy to map companies and individuals to key themes and events in real time, so you can discover the relationships between them and act on more information for investment recommendations.

You can also link companies to other companies (e.g. corporate structures, supply chain), companies to individuals (management, ownership), and individuals to individuals (family, alumni, charity etc.) for a more complete picture of entities’ behaviour.

An integrated approach

We’ve designed ThemeGraph and Affinity to fit seamlessly into Asset and Wealth Management systems.

You can continually deepen your view of the thematic landscape by leveraging qualitative data across your business processes.

Use Affinity’s API to store and act on unstructured data insights: just plug it in, set your criteria, and start turning data into money.


Ready to start?

Let’s talk about what you need.

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What else can Affinity do?

See how the rest of the Affinity suite helps thematic investors.

Abstract illustration depicting Theme Scape technology


Uncover hidden market signals and events to seize thematic opportunities.

Abstract illustration depicting Theme Score technology


Rank the exposure of entities in your portfolios to thematic market events.

Abstract illustration depicting Theme AI technology


Find key thematic insights within millions of unstructured data points.

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