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Transform Language into Value: The NLP Advantage

Natural language processing enables organisations to extract value from an abundance of textual information, internal and external. There’s no one-size-fits-all. Learn more about the various approaches to NLP and how they add value to business applications.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a powerful tool in today’s digital world, enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP consists of two overlapping subfields: Natural Language Understanding (NLU), which focuses on semantic analysis or determining the intended meaning of text, and Natural Language Generation (NLG), which focuses on automatically generating text that is both coherent and contextually appropriate.

NLP is similar to text mining since both deal with extracting information from text. However, text mining is more about spotting patterns and keywords, while NLP digs deeper by interpreting the subtleties of language, like understanding context and sentiment.
NLP is everywhere around us, driving the technology behind search engines, chatbots, spam filters, and automatic translation services.

In business, NLP transforms operations by automating routine tasks, boosting productivity, and improving customer interactions through personalized support and recommendations. From analyzing customer feedback to detecting fraud in real-time to monitoring market trends based on news reports, NLP helps businesses stay competitive and adapt quickly to changes in a fast-moving digital landscape.

How does Natural Language Processing Work?

NLP can perform a wide range of functions, such as named entity recognition, named entity linking, sentiment analysis, summarization, text classification, machine translation, and speech recognition. Each of these functions helps turn unstructured text into actionable insights, and some build upon each other. The technology behind these functions is built on several approaches which have developed over time. Each approach brings unique strengths and weaknesses.

Rule-Based/Symbolic Approaches

These early methods of NLP rely on predefined linguistic rules to process language. One main advantage of rule-based approaches is that they are very well interpretable, do not require training data, and have a low computational overhead. Moreover, they are highly customizable and well-suited for domain-specific tasks. However, while they work well for straightforward, well-defined tasks, they are less effective with the complexities of natural language. Rule-based systems also lack the ability to automatically learn from new data or adapt to unseen examples, such as new words or evolving language patterns. This makes them challenging to maintain and extend over time.

Statistical Methods/Machine Learning (ML)

With increasing computational power and the rise of the Internet, which provided an unprecedented amount of data, new possibilities arose, and statistical methods gained popularity. These methods analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions, offering more flexibility and accuracy than rule-based methods. They are more robust to unfamiliar and erroneous input and can adapt to different domains or an evolving language and world by training on them. However, these methods also come with some disadvantages: They require a large amount of labeled training data, which can be difficult and expensive to obtain for some languages or domains. Moreover, they can be computationally expensive and slow to train, especially with complex or large-scale tasks. Statistical methods also require extensive feature engineering, which calls for domain expertise and can be time-consuming.

Deep Learning/Neural NLP

The most recent advancements in NLP come from deep learning and neural networks, particularly transformer models, which are also used in Generative AI (GenAI). These models can capture the syntactic and semantic features of words and their surroundings and are, therefore, capable of understanding and generating human-like text with remarkable accuracy. They can learn from labeled and unlabeled data and leverage the knowledge embedded in pre-trained models. The downsides of these models include requiring a lot of computational resources to train the models, which can be costly and time-consuming. Moreover, it can be challenging to interpret or explain the models’ decisions, raising ethical or legal issues.

GenAI models, such as the commonly known GPT-4 model, powering ChatGPT, are also capable of performing NLU tasks because they are great at interpreting the meaning and context of text. They can even be used to generate synthetic training data, which can help improve other models. However, there are also models like BERT, with a different model architecture, which can be fine-tuned explicitly on specific NLU downstream tasks. These models are optimized for tasks that require a deep understanding of the context, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, or text classification. They can be more efficient, cheaper, and more accurate for tasks where text generation isn’t necessary.

So which approach is “the best”? Well, rather than one being better than the other, the choice between rule-based, statistical, and neural models depends on the specific NLP task and requirements at hand. Another decision you have to make when considering NLP for your business is between cloud-based services and custom-built solutions. Cloud-based providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer fast access to NLP capabilities, making them ideal for standard tasks. However, they may not provide the flexibility required for more specialized or domain-specific needs. Custom NLP solutions are designed to meet a business’s unique requirements, offering greater accuracy and better alignment with business objectives.

Use Cases and Applications in Different Industries

NLP’s flexibility allows it to be used in various industries, offering manifold applications. Let us look at a few of them.

Financial services often deal with a massive amount of unstructured data, such as research and analytics reports, customer interactions, and regulatory documents. NLP methods help analyze these sources and can, for example, identify potential fraud, flag suspicious activities, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

In Retail, NLP enhances customer experiences by powering shopping assistants, analyzing customer feedback, and providing automated support. NLP models help retailers understand customers’ wants, improve product recommendations, and streamline customer service.
In the legal industry, NLP helps organize and summarize legal documents, analyze case law, and forecast legal results, enabling lawyers to work more efficiently.

Advancements in NLP can also greatly benefit the healthcare industry. NLP improves patient care and supports research. It processes medical records, research articles, and patient feedback to diagnose conditions, suggest treatments, and advance medical research.

What can CID do for You?

At CID, we offer tailored NLP solutions beyond standard, off-the-shelf options. Our team of experts has deep experience in NLP, ensuring our solutions are not just cutting-edge but also customized to meet your specific needs. Additionally, if cloud-based NLP services like those from AWS or Azure are the right fit for (part of) your problem, we can assist with choosing the right service and integrating it into your existing systems, always prioritizing the best solution for your business.

We encourage companies to evaluate their text data assets and consider how the latest NLP techniques can drive value and foster growth. Contact us to learn how our solutions can help you make the most of your data and position your business for success in the digital age.

Author © 2024: Ruth Schreiber –

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