Our expertise

Technology and expertise tailored to your domain.

Companies have a vision of where they want to go. And they know that software is key to getting there. The trouble is, they don’t have the development expertise, architectural knowledge and risk-aware, future-proofed planning experience to build that software.

At CID, we support you on that journey through a process we call Advantage Engineering: using software development and delivery experts to bring your vision to life.

Augment your team with world-class expertise

To gain the edge, you need the expertise.

Our engineers, developers, AI experts and cloud maestros are highly-skilled specialists in every facet of software development.

From design, through development, implementation and ongoing support, we operate as an extension of your organisation, embedded and in step throughout our rapid, innovative process. And if we haven’t finished a job leaving behind your internal team with the experience and confidence to continue forward without us, we haven’t got it right.

Three interconnected areas of technical specialisms define our strategy:

3 intersecting circles in a Venn diagram. the first circle contains the following text: Information architecture and AI, Building the data-powered organisation, Data mesh, AI/ML, Advanced analytics. The second circle contains the following text: User-centric experiences, Digitised Ops, UI science, Practical automation. The third circle contains the following text: Practical cloud at scale, Private clouds that work

User centric experiences and digital processes harnessing decoupled software architectures

Accelerate your agility with flexible, customisable, future-proofed  architecture and user experience application.

  • Decoupled system architecture: Harness decoupled architecture, with each aspect of your technology stack able to operate autonomously and independently. This structure delivers powerful flexibility gains, with individual solutions, programmes and data sets able to be refined, upgraded or even replaced without having an effect on the rest of your software or operations.
  • UI science application: Your system is only as strong as its usability. So harness our UI and UX expertise to create a bespoke solution that isn’t just powerful, but easy to learn and use for stakeholders, customers and prospects alike.
  • Modern information architecture: Our information architecture specialists revolutionise the way you store, access and apply data throughout your business. The result? Greater security, autonomy and hyper-scalability, without the traditional bottlenecks of legacy data structures.

State-of-the-art information architectures and AI, yielding deeper insights and higher level process automation

Digitise processes and automate insight with cutting-edge architecture and smartly applied artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • Digitised operations: Transform manual, resource-heavy tasks into new, refined digital solutions. Gain greater insight, more autonomy and efficiency gains.
  • Transformative AI/ML: Turn artificial intelligence and machine learning visions into solutions that deliver real impact for your business. From large language models to generative AI applications, we assess and execute AI technologies that save time, money and resources.
  • Practical automation: Balance time- and resource-saving automation with the control and input you need. Use technologies such as data mesh and AI in order to create the most practical system automation for you and your business.

The practical cloud at scale

Software is only as good as the way you run it. We build scalable, cloud native software and support cloud platform technology, seamless deployments, and efficient operations. We even run and manage applications in our proprietary CID Cloud.

  • Cloud native: Software performance excels when its development is aligned with the operating model underneath it. We deliver cloud native bespoke software and help to reengineer legacy systems.
  • Efficient operations: Our experienced cloud engineering team focus on performance, cost, agility, reliability, data and security. 
  • AWS, Azure – or the CID Cloud: Depending on data security constraints or the appetite to outsource application management, we operate our CID Cloud in a secure datacenter in Germany and provide bespoke software operations.

Our experience

Our expertise in these technologies comes from our work using them. See the bespoke software projects we’ve delivered and how we applied these areas in order to build unique solutions.

Mapping Client Data across Internal and External Systems

Collaborating with CID, a law firm’s team kick-started a data science project, working along business use cases and data products.

Building the Foundation to Enable a True Data-Driven Organization 

Collaborating with CID, a professional services firm’s team kick-started a multi-year data fabric project.

Market Data Analytics as Power BI Self-Service

CID helped a healthcare firm shorten the time for new market data availability in self-service reporting systems.

Supporting Investor Attraction Outreach

Supporting the outreach of a state government by CID

Keeping Advisors Up-to-Date about their Clients

CID’s expertise in AI offers news processing, event detection, and entity mapping tailored to the international private bank’s needs.

Case Study: Introducing an Agile Operating Model at a European Retailer 

Bespoke Software Resources Library

Visit our central library for everything software.

Let’s move on

Let’s talk

Want a more cutting-edge technology stack? Want to explore an area of our Advantage Engineering further? Or need more information about our collaborative approach to our work? Contact CID today.

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